
Boys Varsity Roster '17 - '18

Captains: Daniel Lin (Sr.), Richard Tee(Sr.), Sharan Raghavan (Sr.)

David Ahn (Jr.)
Maneesh Budda (Jr.)
Brandon Chen (Fr.)
Charles Chen (Fr.)
Scott Kongcharoen (Jr.)
Rithvik Manne (Jr.)
Vasanth Madhavan (Jr.)
Matthew Pham (Fr.)
Ahaan Rajnekar (Fr.)
Harry Yuan (Fr.)
Max Zou (Fr.)

Looking Ahead to '18 - '19:

With three seniors leaving the team, new members will have to rise up. Rising senior William Xu will be rejoining the team, and freshman Nikhil Lingineni joins the team with plenty of tennis experience. Final rosters will be available Spring of 2019.